Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Winter musings

I love winter. I really do. I love the sweaters and vests you can wear to hide an extra Christmas cookie (or twelve). I love the way the house seems like there's a giant muffler on it when the snow comes down, quieting all of the outside noises. I love the look of the flakes falling. I love the idea of going sledding. I love to bundle up with a good book and stay at home, out of the cold. I love the possibility of a snow day. But, if we're really being honest here, I only love it for a brief period of time. Like 20 minutes or so. Then I'm pretty much done with it. It was snowy over break, but it's melted now and I couldn't be happier.

However the snow got me thinking. I was trying to decide: is snowy weather the bane of every mother's morning or is summer weather? Winter with the snow pants and the boots and the hats and the gloves (which are always getting lost) and the potential to lose a finger or toe if you stay out too long. Or summer, with the packing of lunches that can stay cool for hours while at camp and the applying of sunscreen, and the bags packed with a swimsuit and a towel and swim goggles and another bag inside your bag to keep your stuff dry on swim days (don't forget if you have a kid with slightly long hair you'll also need some conditioner and maybe a pick or brush). Plus the potential to have your kid get skin cancer years and years from now, and know that it was (maybe) because you got a little lazy with the sunscreen one day. I'm exhausted just writing out the lists! Is it just me? Is it because I work outside the home? Is it because I still have fairly young kids? Is it because I would rather sleep-in for an extra five (OK, 35) minutes rather than do anything else? I'm not sure, but I'm thinking I am really starting to love fall. And spring. Spring is nice too.

1 comment:

  1. Six of one, half dozen of the other...

    I think I prefer summer. Getting out the door (for even a quick errand) is so much easier w/out all the winter attire. When snow is here, it's great to go outdoors, but we just don't have consistent snow. Instead it's indoor chaos. My kids need outdoor time. Soon.

    I like Spring. Hoping for that Groundhog to let us know winter will be shorter this year than the past couple of years...
