Thursday, February 18, 2010

The one where April makes excuses

Well. It's official. Frugal February blows.

It's been a few days since I posted because I wasn't really prepared to admit the truth. The frugal wagon and I have separated. You could say I fell off it. Payday was a couple of days ago and my plan what to transfer the full amount of one check to our savings account. But we had friends over for Valentine's Day brunch (and I felt obligated to buy tasty treats and few decorations). We also had a bill I wasn't expecting (what??) for our CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture)--essentially we needed to pay for all of the vegetables we'll get from May-October this month. I didn't think they would take too kindly to me calling them up and saying, "hey guys, I'd love to pay the bill right now, but I'm in the middle of this crazy experiment, so can I wait until March?" And I like to pay extra on our mortgage. Again, I'm not going to skip paying extra on the mortgage just so I can fulfill the terms of an experiment I've set up for myself. (Did you like how I justified my choices right there?) And it was Tuesday. No seriously, Tuesdays kill me. I get in the car at 2:45 and proceed to spend the next 3 hours shuffling the kids around town to various activities. By the time I pick G up at 5:25 I'm done. If I don't have something in the crock pot it is very hard to resist the siren call of pizza. And from my last post, you know getting something in the crock pot sometimes means tardy slips for the peeps.

So, I'm resolving to keep trying. A small amount of glory is better than no glory, right? I have resisted many things. I keep reminding myself that the things I want are big ticket items (a new car, a laptop, a Kindle) which will require giving up lots of small ticket items. I also keep reminding myself that the things I want are only "wants." Not needs. We're good. We've got a roof over our heads, food in the pantry, jobs to go to and our health (knock on wood) and I'm grateful for that.

The month is halfway over and there's still time...


  1. A half of a month of frugality is better than a half of a month of overspending! Good job for working HARD to make it work.

    I'm impressed at what you did. Good work, woman! And I'm ready for more tried and true crock pot recipes anytime!

  2. I agree w/ Angela. Setting a goal and getting part of the way there is infinitely better than never having a goal in the first place. And guess what? Next month can be "Moneysaving March," followed by "Absolutely no unnecessary spending April."
    Thanks again for sharing the crock pot blog. It's been quite handy for us as I've been trying to streamline dinner to avoid mealtime fussiness in the little one.
